Peri Quebradizo Logroño

Quebradizo Interior Reform Special Plan



The purpose of this Special Interior Reform Plan is to develop the determinations of the General Municipal Plan of Logroño in the area defined as PERI 24 Quebradizo.

Peri Quebradizo Logroño Peri Quebradizo Logroño

The purpose of this Special Interior Reform Plan is to develop the determinations of the General Municipal Plan of Logroño in the area defined as PERI 24 Quebradizo.
The PERI 24 scope does not have Management Guidelines, so the proposed management has been based on the following objectives:
Complete the residential building block delimited by Piqueras streets, Margarita Salas street, Asientos street and Monasterio de Yuso street.
It is proposed to complete this block by opening a newly created street that will connect Calle Margarita Salas with Calle Asientos and that will allow the construction of a new building front that closes the southeast corner of the block.
Create a smaller block between Río Alhama Street and the newly opened street, which will allow for the completion of the arrangement between the adjoining endowment and residential uses.
Pacify the traffic in the road structure that coexists between the existing facilities.
Introduction of a new use that allows dynamizing and equipping the area of activity other than the most predominant residential and public use in the area. It is proposed as a new reference use the residential non-home that is compatible with a wide range of uses, among which the hotelier, the offices, etc. should be highlighted.
Complete the endowment offer by means of a multipurpose endowment use in the western half of the new block that is located opposite the sports and school endowment plots.