Punctual Modification

Punctual Modification Paula Montés

Punctual Modification

Paula Montés

Specific Modification of the PGM of Logroño is to establish a joint management within the scope of PERI No. 12 "Paula Montalt"

MP Paula Montés MP Paula Montés

The purpose of this Specific Modification of the PGM of Logroño is to establish a joint arrangement within the scope of PERI No. 12 "Paula Montalt" and spaces located in the same block, ordered with use of free road space that will be planned as free recreational spaces and expansion, to give continuity to pedestrian traffic in the same block.
In this sense, after analyzing the block, the interest in giving continuity to pedestrian traffic is verified, creating its own spaces and in continuity with what has already been planned (improving the plant mass, garden areas and biodiversity) by proposing the planning of public recreational green areas . In turn, the need to adjust some areas to their urbanized physical reality has been detected by changing some ordered surfaces such as roads to recreation and expansion areas.
The forecast for residential use starts from the existing demand for reconversion of the industrial area, this being a predestined area for the development of this use given its position in the urban fabric. Therefore, the provisions of the PERI for this area of conversion from industrial to residential use are contemplated. (Art. 3.8.5. Of the PGM).
The new proposed buildings have a residential reference use and have been planned with a maximum height of B + 4 and with a maximum buildable depth of 14 meters to allow the opening of terraces to the south and based on an efficient design. To adapt to the interior alignment of the adjacent buildings in the last three meters of the interior alignment, the maximum buildable depth is reduced to 12 meters, taking as reference art. Article 2.3.5. Tribunes, balconies and cantilevers of the PGM of Logroño.